Past Lot Search:Subjects: Exploration
Past Lot Search:
Subjects: Exploration
showing 1 to 10 of 10 items
showing 1 to 10 of 10 items
Master and Commander - Roughly CDV-sized tintype showing a bright young boy with model boat. Circa 1870s. Print size 3.75 x 2.5 inches (10x6 cm)... Sold: $75.
Talipot in Flower, Ceylon - Vintage albumen print showing a Talipot tree in flower, by Scowen, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) circa 1885. Signed in the negative at... Sold: $100.
Freight Teams, Rapid City - Card-mounted gelatin-silver print showing freight teams gathering near Rapid City, South Dakota, circa 1890 by William R... Sold: $110.
Prepared for the Arctic - Cabinet-card format photograph of a man in arctic garb and shotgun, by Fred Kitto, Torquay, United Kingdom, circa 1900. Card... Sold: $120.
South Dakota Land Rush - Boudoir-size cabinet-card format albumen print showing an anxious crowd during a South Dakota land rush, vintage image circa... Sold: $150.
Floeberg Beach, Spring - Vintage woodburytype from the British Arctic Expedition of 1875-6, printed 1878 and included in George Strong Nares, "Narrative... Sold: $220.
Colorado Pioneers - Rare early view of Colorado pioneers by Charles Bohm, Denver, vintage albumen print circa 1870. Image mounted on fancy studio board... Sold: $250.
Discovery Bay, Winter - Vintage woodburytype from the British Arctic Expedition of 1875-6, printed 1878 and included in George Strong Nares, "Narrative... Sold: $250.
Stopped by the Ice off Cape Prescott - Vintage woodburytype from the British Arctic Expedition of 1875-6, printed 1878 and included in George Strong... Sold: $250.
Opening of the Suez Canal - Larger-format albumen print showing the international fleet gathered at the ceremonial opening of the Suez Canal, 1869, by... Sold: $380.
Search:Subjects: Exploration
Search:Subjects: Exploration
showing: 1 to 10 of 10
1 to 10 of 10