Past Lot Search:Subjects: Photogram
Past Lot Search:
Subjects: Photogram
showing 13 to 15 of 15 items
showing 13 to 15 of 15 items
Tamarack Pine - Vintage cyanotype photogram of a plant form ca. 1900. Unmounted, with portion of a later? mount and title. Print size 9.5 x 5.25 inches... Sold: $310.
Dresses of Bright Green - French quarter plate daguerreotype of mother and daughter, 1850s, with applied hand-coloring in red and bright green. Resealed... Sold: $350.
The Three Musketeers - Half plate French daguerreotype of three seated men, two of whom seem related, with their arms resting on the middle gent in... Sold: $750.
Search:Subjects: Photogram
Search:Subjects: Photogram
showing: 13 to 15 of 15
13 to 15 of 15