Past Lot Search:Subjects: Portrait
Past Lot Search:
Subjects: Portrait
showing 349 to 352 of 352 items
showing 349 to 352 of 352 items
A Fashionable Hat - Cabinet-card format albumen print of a carefully dressed woman in profile wearing a large, rose-laden flowered hat, by Ritz, Boston... Sold: $10.
Children by Inada - Two gelatin-silver prints of Japanese children on roughly cabinet-card sized stock ca. 1900, each with silver imprint front for "T... Sold: $10.
Rustic Carte-de-Visite - CDV-format albumen print of a small girl standing outdoors next to a rustic wooden fence. Anonymous American ca. 1870... Sold: $10.
Munchkins - Tintype in approximately CDV-sized paper holding showing two young girls in close pose... Sold: $8.
Search:Subjects: Portrait
Search:Subjects: Portrait
showing: 349 to 352 of 352
349 to 352 of 352