Past Lot Search:Subjects: Portrait
Past Lot Search:
Subjects: Portrait
showing 73 to 84 of 352 items
showing 73 to 84 of 352 items
With the Ambrotyper's Self-Portrait - Ninth plate ambrotype of a woman, with a reverse advertising card bearing a faded salt-print image of the... Sold: $350.
Girl with Earrings - Sixth plate varnished melainotype (tintype) of a girl in fancy pattern dress ca. 1856. With applied tinting in red and gilt. On... Sold: $20.
Group of Boys with Priest - European half-plate ambrotype showing a priest and sixteen young men outdoors in front of a rough wall. Housed in original... Sold: $850.
Women with Caps and Cased Image - Sixth plate ambrotype of two female friends wearing caps and holding a cased image. Housed in a half case... Sold: $160.
Gent in the Wild - Ninth plate English ambrotype of a young man posed in front of a leafy, almost jungle-like background... Sold: $110.
Devilish Gent - Sixth plate daguerreotype of gent with goatee. Uncased but with full brass mat and protector. Applied coloring in red... Sold: $50.
Tinted Darling - English quarter plate ambrotype of a sweet girl with long hair, with applied hand coloring. Housed in a full red-leather case with... Sold: $330.
Early Bikers - Sixth plate ambrotype of two very odd coots smoking cigars, in full case with partially detached spine... Sold: $65.
Fancy Lady in Parrot Green - Quarter plate ambrotype of an elegant young lady in fancy low-cut dress, with applied hand-color in green to her dress, gilt... Sold: $170.
Smiling Japanners - Slightly under quarter-plate sized Japanese ambrotype of three persons in lively pose, ca. 1880s. Housed in a full period kiriwood... Sold: $250.
Men with Hats - Sixth plate ambrotype, anonymous American ca. 1858, showing two gents wearing coats and large hats. Housed in half case... Sold: $130.
Ambrotype Gustave - Larger-than-half-plate French ambrotype of child by "M. Gustave", reglassed in the original studio mount and plaster-wood frame... Sold: $410.
Search:Subjects: Portrait
Search:Subjects: Portrait
showing: 73 to 84 of 352
73 to 84 of 352