Past Lot Search:Themes: Crime
Past Lot Search:
Themes: Crime
showing 1 to 2 of 2 items
showing 1 to 2 of 2 items
Mrs. Lindberg, after the Abduction of her Son - Vintage gelatin-silver with period overpainting, ca. 1933. Dimensions 7 x 5 inches (17x13 cm)... Sold: $150.
Simone Gilbert, who killed her Neighbor - Vintage gelatin-silver with period overpainting, ca. 1939. Dimensions 7 x 5 inches (17x13 cm). Backstamp for... Sold: $150.
Search:Themes: Crime
Search:Themes: Crime
showing: 1 to 2 of 2
1 to 2 of 2