Past Lot Search:Themes: The Civil War
Past Lot Search:
Themes: The Civil War
showing 1 to 5 of 5 items
showing 1 to 5 of 5 items
Peace Commissioners - CDV-format albumen print showing five Union Generals and an Admiral surrounding Abraham Lincoln as "Our Peace Commissioners for... Sold: $65.
Change of Base - CDV-format albumen print showing a comic photo-montage of Jefferson Davis donning his wife's dress, by William H. Mumler, Boston, circa... Sold: $90.
Old Abe the War Eagle - CDV-format albumen print giving an iconic view of "Old Abe", the Wisconsin War Eagle for the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia... Sold: $110.
Wrapped in the Flag - CDV-format albumen print of three light-skinned slave children protectively wrapped in stars-and-stripes sheets symbolizing the US... Sold: $150.
Waving the Flag in Connecticut - Civil-War era CDV-format albumen print showing a woman in stars-and-stripes costume holding an American flag. With... Sold: $180.
Search:Themes: The Civil War
Search:Themes: The Civil War
showing: 1 to 5 of 5
1 to 5 of 5