Past Lot Search:Regions: Bermuda
Past Lot Search:
Regions: Bermuda
showing 1 to 4 of 4 items
showing 1 to 4 of 4 items
Bermuda - Onion Packers - Vintage albumen print circa 1891 showing a Bermuda scene, perhaps by Bermuda photographer N. E. Lusher. Titled in the negative... Sold: $300.
Bermuda - Coral Quarry - Vintage albumen print circa 1891 showing a Bermuda scene, perhaps by Bermuda photographer N. E. Lusher. Titled in the negative... Sold: $180.
Bermuda - Fairyland - Vintage albumen print circa 1891 showing a Bermuda scene, perhaps by Bermuda photographer N. E. Lusher. Titled in the negative... Sold: $180.
Vendors, Bermuda - Vintage albumen print ca. 1890, from Bermuda album of "Mrs. Welton Stanford, Locust Grove." On period album page. Print size 7 x 9... Sold: $290.
Search:Regions: Bermuda
Search:Regions: Bermuda
showing: 1 to 4 of 4
1 to 4 of 4