Past Lot Search:Regions: Canada
Past Lot Search:
Regions: Canada
showing 1 to 4 of 4 items
showing 1 to 4 of 4 items
Cree Indians, Vancouver - Large printing-out print of a Canadian Indian and teepee, by Bailey Bros, Vancouver. Titled in the negative "803? Cree Indian... Sold: $250.
Montreal Ice Castle - Rare cabinet-card format albumen print showing a miniature ice palace flying tiny Canadian, British, and American Flags, modeled... Sold: $150.
Quebec Snow Boy - Roughly CDV-sized tintype of a boy in Quebecois winter costume holding snowshoes, anonymous Canadian circa 1880. Print size 3.5 x 2.5... Sold: $85.
With a Crucifix - CDV-format albumen print of a priest with a crucifix tucked into his belt, with backstamp for "E. Spencer, Photographer / OTTAWA... Sold: $15.
Search:Regions: Canada
Search:Regions: Canada
showing: 1 to 4 of 4
1 to 4 of 4