Past Lot Search:Regions: Ceylon
Past Lot Search:
Regions: Ceylon
showing 1 to 4 of 4 items
showing 1 to 4 of 4 items
Ceylon Tea - Unmounted albumen print ca. 1880, titled in the negative "Skeen & Co 602". Dimensions 10.5 x 8 inches. (27x21 cm)... Sold: $650.
Kandian Chief's Daughter - Vintage unmounted albumen print showing a Kandian Chief's Daughter, by Skeen & Co., Ceylon (Sri Lanka) circa 1880. Print size... Sold: $190.
Tamil Woman and her Parrot - CDV-format albumen print showing a Ceylonese (Sri Lankan) woman and her parrot circa 1875. Imprinted reverse "L. A... Sold: $130.
Talipot in Flower, Ceylon - Vintage albumen print showing a Talipot tree in flower, by Scowen, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) circa 1885. Signed in the negative at... Sold: $100.
Search:Regions: Ceylon
Search:Regions: Ceylon
showing: 1 to 4 of 4
1 to 4 of 4