Past Lot Search:Regions: Egypt
Past Lot Search:
Regions: Egypt
showing 1 to 20 of 40 items
showing 1 to 20 of 40 items
Antoine Beato Entrance, Tomb of the Kings Sold: $60.
Andreas Daniel Reiser Jeune Femme Arabe, Egypt Sold: $55.
Sebah & Joaillier Rug Dealers Sold: $65.
Anonymous Arab Woman Sold: $75.
Anonymous Egyptian Courtesans Sold: $250.
Béchard Ruins on the Isle of Philae Sold: $350.
Pascal Sebah Egypt: Whirling Dervishes Sold: $210.
Pascal Sebah Cairo: Sugar Confections Sold: $250.
Pascal Sebah Cairo: A Busy Courtyard Sold: $150.
Béchard Béchard: Water Carriers Sold: $210.
Pascal Sebah Egyptian Dance Sold: $65.
Béchard Drinking a Beverage Sold: $300.
Béchard Béchard: Waterwheel Sold: $180.
Pascal Sebah Opening of the Suez Canal Sold: $380.
Hippolyte Delié Selling Flatbreads Sold: $80.
Hippolyte Delié Pottery for Sale Sold: $40.
Ermé Désiré Boys with Instruments Sold: $80.
Ermé Désiré Cairo Family Sold: $40.
Hippolyte Delié Riding a Donkey Sold: $30.
Ermé Désiré Dancer with Castanets Sold: $65.
Search:Regions: Egypt
Search:Regions: Egypt
showing: 1 to 20 of 40
1 to 20 of 40