Past Lot Search:Regions: Egypt
Past Lot Search:
Regions: Egypt
showing 37 to 40 of 40 items
showing 37 to 40 of 40 items
Cairo Mendicant - CDV-format albumen print of a Cairo mendicant or blind man with a ragged sack over his shoulder, by Hippolyte Delié, Cairo, circa... Sold: $36.
Riding a Donkey - CDV-format albumen print of a veiled woman on donkey with servant boy, by Hippolyte Delié, Cairo, circa 1865. Card imprinted front... Sold: $30.
Arab Dancer - CDV-format albumen print of an Arab woman, probably a dancer, in low-cut dress, by Hippolyte Delié, Cairo, circa 1865. Card imprinted... Sold: $30.
Cairo Tombs - CDV-format albumen print of Cairo tombs, with the mosque of Muhammad 'Ali Pasha in background, by Ermé Désiré, Cairo, circa 1865. Card... Sold: $20.
Search:Regions: Egypt
Search:Regions: Egypt
showing: 37 to 40 of 40
37 to 40 of 40