Past Lot Search:Print Type: Tintype
Past Lot Search:
Print Type: Tintype
showing 97 to 106 of 106 items
showing 97 to 106 of 106 items
Smiling Minder - CDV-sized tintype of an apprehensive child on chair, with a smiling mother lurking behind... Sold: $25.
In Colonial Costume - CDV-sized tintype of a smiling woman in colonial costume... Sold: $25.
Lady Fans - Roughly CDV-sized tintype of two women in contrasting white-and-black clothing holding fans. Print size 3.75 x 2.5 inches (9x6 cm)... Sold: $23.
Man with Bouquet - Tintype in CDV-sized paper folder showing a young man with unkempt hair holding a bouquet of flowers... Sold: $21.
The Budding Fisher - Roughly CDV-sized tintype circa 1870 showing a young fisherman with his catch of two minuscule fish. Circa 1870s. Print size 3.5 x... Sold: $20.
Girl with Earrings - Sixth plate varnished melainotype (tintype) of a girl in fancy pattern dress ca. 1856. With applied tinting in red and gilt. On... Sold: $20.
The Teamster - CDV-sized tintype of man in rough-and-ready wear, boots, and holding a whip... Sold: $15.
We Fix Our Bonnets - Three roughly gem-sized card-mounted tintypes showing three different women, each of whom seems to be tightening her bonnet in... Sold: $15.
Two in One - Unusual CDV-sized tintype showing two woman in similar garb facing each other, one with her back towards the viewer, perhaps a... Sold: $10.
Munchkins - Tintype in approximately CDV-sized paper holding showing two young girls in close pose... Sold: $8.
Search:Print Type: Tintype
Search:Print Type: Tintype
showing: 97 to 106 of 106
97 to 106 of 106