Past Lot Search:Artists: Duchenne de Boulogne
Past Lot Search:
Artists: Duchenne de Boulogne
showing 1 to 3 of 3 items
showing 1 to 3 of 3 items
Duchenne Faradizing Frontal Muscle - Vintage albumen print circa 1862 showing the French scientist and photographer Guillaume-Benjamin-Amand Duchenne de... Sold: $7,800.
Duchenne - Limb Wasting - Vintage albumen print, probably taken late 1850s, printed circa 1862, showing a child with lower limb wasting using his arms to... Sold: $1,200.
Duchenne - Congenital Deformation - Vintage albumen print, probably taken late 1850s, printed circa 1862, showing a child with congenital deformity... Sold: $900.
Search:Artists: Duchenne de Boulogne
Search:Artists: Duchenne de Boulogne
showing: 1 to 3 of 3
1 to 3 of 3