Past Lot Search:Artists: Pascal Sebah
Past Lot Search:
Artists: Pascal Sebah
showing 1 to 5 of 5 items
showing 1 to 5 of 5 items
Egypt: Whirling Dervishes - Vintage albumen print showing Egyptian whirling Dervishes, circa 1875 by Pascal Sebah. Mounted on a portion of period album... Sold: $210.
Cairo: Sugar Confections - Vintage albumen print showing a street vendor selling sugar confections in Cairo, Egypt, circa 1875, by Pascal Sebah. Titled... Sold: $250.
Cairo: A Busy Courtyard - Vintage albumen print showing an animated scene in an Egyptian courtyard, circa 1875 by Pascal Sebah. Signed and titled in the... Sold: $150.
Egyptian Dance - Albumen print ca. 1875 showing Arab women dancing and playing musical instruments, probably by Pascal Sebah. Titled in the negative... Sold: $65.
Opening of the Suez Canal - Larger-format albumen print showing the international fleet gathered at the ceremonial opening of the Suez Canal, 1869, by... Sold: $380.
Search:Artists: Pascal Sebah
Search:Artists: Pascal Sebah
showing: 1 to 5 of 5
1 to 5 of 5