Past Lot Search:Misc.: 1865-1900
Past Lot Search:
Misc.: 1865-1900
showing 253 to 264 of 699 items
showing 253 to 264 of 699 items
Prepared for the Arctic - Cabinet-card format photograph of a man in arctic garb and shotgun, by Fred Kitto, Torquay, United Kingdom, circa 1900. Card... Sold: $120.
Paris 1900: Chateau D'Eau - Splendid large-format cyanotype from the 1900 Paris Exposition, attributed Albert Levy, from portfolio entitled "Les... Sold: $120.
Examining Photos - Oversized cabinet-card format albumen print of a woman in fancy train looking away from viewer and examining photographs, circa 1880... Sold: $120.
Costumed Archer - Quarter plate tintype circa 1865 showing a costumed woman with bow and arrows, housed as found in a period pressed-brass mat and... Sold: $120.
Insane Asylum Nurses - Cabinet-card format sepia-tone photograph of four nurses from the Binghamton State Hospital (Insane Asylum) circa 1890s, by... Sold: $120.
A Study of the Hand,1888 - Roughly cabinet-card sized albumen print on larger board mount showing a plump female hand with ring holding a glass of bubbly... Sold: $120.
Look at Our Junk! - Anonymous American tintype of two boys posing with a ragged-looking baby carriage bearing an assortment of strings and junk... Sold: $120.
Blowing Bubbles - Roughly cabinet-card sized albumen print showing a genre scene of a country boy and girl, the boy blowing soap bubbles, one of which... Sold: $120.
A Shop in Cairo - CDV-format albumen print of a Cairo shop by Ermé Désiré, Cairo, circa 1865. Card imprinted front "E. Désiré Phot." and on reverse... Sold: $120.
Scenes of Chinese Life - Three vintage albumen prints circa 1890 showing scenes of life in China, including a street barber, covered carriage bearing a... Sold: $120.
Hong Kong Harbor 2 - Vintage albumen print by an unidentified Chinese studio circa 1890, giving a view of Hong Kong Harbor and shoreline. Descending... Sold: $120.
Rabbits by the Famins - CDV-format albumen print circa 1880 showing a nature study by Constant Famin. The card is imprinted on reverse "C. Famin... Sold: $120.
Search:Misc.: 1865-1900
Search:Misc.: 1865-1900
showing: 253 to 264 of 699
253 to 264 of 699